
Friday 13 May 2016

DW Steamboat and BBQ Review 大胃王烧烤火锅

It is family day again! As usual my in laws wanted seafood, so we are in Butterworth area and we plan to try buffet Steamboat and BBQ. It has been a while since I had dine here and this shop has been operating for more than 3 years (because I dine here before 3 years ago... lol!)  The shop is located opposite of Econsave in Butterworth and it s a corner lot and easily being spotted. 

DW Steamboat and BBQ shop

The shop didn't put on a price and we are also too ego to ask, as we just sit down and begin to eat. It is priced at RM28 per pax, children below 2 eats for free... Since Jelly is a picky eater, it's not worth bringing her to buffet once she had reached an age which needs to pay...

Lets see what they have... They have 3 options for the soup, one is only chicken broth soup, another is tom yum soup and last is having half chicken broth and half tom yum. We ordered the half each because some likes it spicy and Jelly preferred non spicy. They didn't charge extra for having half each.

Below is the variety that they served. I love, love, LOVE their prawns!!! It's huge and fresh! Eventually everyone who dine there is targeting for their prawns only and waited it to be refilled and attack!

DW Steamboat and BBQ
Their Interior

DW Steamboat and BBQ
Their Interior
We are sitting outside and near to the sink and tissue dispenser so it's quite convenience for us since we had a messy toddler! 
The shop is just opposite of Econsave

Jelly at her baby chair

Below is their food range:
DW Steamboat and BBQ
They have prawns, shells and satay

DW Steamboat and BBQ
Meat section

DW Steamboat and BBQ
Fish, squid and fish balls

Vegetables and frozen foods

They also serve Rojak

They also have Dim Sum

Ice cream section for the kids.
This photo is taken when we just arrived.
It was nearly empty by the time we wanted dessert...

They had nutmeg and chrysanthemum as drinks.

The DIY Ice Kacang section

The half tom yum and half chicken broth soup

DW Steamboat and BBQ
Their prawns! We non stop keep refilling!

Jelly and watermelon as dessert.
My Jelly ate at least 10 of those small jellies!
Remember to remove the fruit before offering to toddler as it might choke on them.
They had Carlsberg and Tiger selling at RM15.
These have to pay first.

They have a notice in Mandarin.
The notice in Mandarin is translated below:
Attention to all customers:
1) If you lost anything in the shop while dinning, they are not resposible for it. (Eat at your own risk and keep your belongings insight and safe).
2) No Outside food is allowed (in my opinion, milk for babies is exempted i guess)
3) Customers who dine are not allowed to waste food. RM10 will be charged for 500g of food wasted.

Their bill
Seems like no GST
It's RM28 per pax

Their name card.

Overall review: 
Taste: Their chicken broth soup was tasteless but once we season it and cook for several times including seafoods and vegetable, it tasted great. Tom Yum is a little salty and too spicy for me so I was not fond of it. Spicy lovers I think they love them. Because we are sitting near a stove, we often feel thristy, maybe because of the heat. Their food which has seasonings is also kind of salty. I love their prawns and seashells! They are fresh and large and we nearly finish almost 30 prawns. Seems like some of the regular customers only targeting their prawns and they refill it quite slow so that other foods can be depleted as well. But their variety are quite fulfilling for the price we are paying. They have Dim Sum, rojak, fries, laksa, desserts, seafood, meat, vegetables and drinks. Jelly can manage to sit quietly for 30 minutes while snacking on jellies alone. Overall as ok for us and we eat until very full since it's buffet. (7/10)
Service: It's a self service buffet BBQ and steamboat restaurant. They have beers to cater for customers who wish to have a drink. They also refill the soup often and provide us aluminium foil if we request them. Only the refill of prawns are slow, other than that all is ok!
Price: RM28 per pax for adults, RM15 for Carlsberg / Tiger.
~ Car park is available, but park at your own risk.
~ Open air concept
~ Child seat is also available.
~ Food wasted more than 500g will be charged at RM10.
~ No outside food allowed. 

Address: 46, Ground Floor, Lorong Teres Jaya 9, 13400 Butterworth, Penang.
Phone: +012-562 5275 (Ms. Tan) / +016-448 9958 (Mr. Hwa)
Hours: Open Friday to Wednesday from 5pm - 11.30pm, closed every Thursday. Business as usual on Public holidays

Click here for Google location.

I don't get paid by this review and all are my humble and honest review.

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