
Friday 18 May 2018

My 10 experience I encountered while Tandem Nursing during Pregnancy

Jelly (currently 3 years 5 months old when I wrote this article) is already going to be an elder sister soon (popping anytime now) and still no signs of weaning. I try brainwashing her that boobs now is preparing for little baby in the belly, and if she wished to continue nursing, she must share with little baby coming soon...

While being pregnant and still nursing Jelly, these are some of my experience I encountered:-

1) Apparently Jelly nursed more frequent when I get pregnant. I am not sure is it due to lack of security or scared new baby will steal boobs away from her... But I have a few months time to try calming her as well as preparing her to welcome the new baby... It also works as a time to implant  the idea of acceptance and sharing with the new baby who is going to arrive anytime soon... The benefit of doing so when she is nursing is that she keeps her mouth busy, so she listens to what I say with no or less interference... good right? LOL!

Tandem Nursing

2) Nursing while pregnant in early stage can reduce morning sickness - in my case. (some claims the other way round but it does have some effect on morning sickness)

3) Nipple being Super-Duper-Extremely sensitive that it drives me go nuts and curse when nursing! I don't know how other mothers bare the pain! No joke man, it's more painful than those milk teeth biting! I even feel the pain when soft bra touches it, and even felt the throbbing pain when it is not even being touched by anything, but I still bare the pain for 9 months... It is also to let me not to get asleep while nursing... LOL!
Tandem Nursing

4) Salty milk supply. Yes! I tasted it when around week 37 and it tasted like salt fish! I don't know how Jelly can drink it.. haha! Go Google on "salty breast milk while pregnant" and u can get tones of answers why milk is salty.
Tandem Nursing
5) Nursing cause Contractions / Braxton Hicks? I am sure I feel the contraction twice on week 37 & 38 when nursing Jelly to sleep and it lasted at for 30-45 min, with mild-medium contractions for average 50 seconds with 2 minutes interval. It subsided after Jelly stop nursing so I it is definitely a fake contraction...

6) Belly Obstacle... Try laying on your back/side with a big belly & nurse your never stop moving toddler... It's is super challenging to get the perfect or comfortable spot for the baby inside and toddler outside! With painful nipples and big belly... I find it not so fun nursing with big belly while sitting either, as Jelly would accidentally slide off and cause pulling on the nipple - OUCH!

7) Hold on, I need to pee! Your body can do wonders you are pregnant... including the extra hard work done by kidney for extra blood flow means more peeing in early pregnancy and growing baby pressure the bladder in later pregnancy... While nursing, there are scenarios I hate which is when I'd already pee in advance, already lay down the comfortable spot for Jelly to nurse and then suddenly, the peeing urge in when I just nurse for 15 min... What?!
Tandem Nursing

8) 2 birds with 1 stone. While nursing Jelly, I can sing some lullaby or tell her some stories while the baby in the belly also benefits as prenatal education, and sometimes Jelly will also stop nursing and sing / talk together with me while giving a gentle tummy rub, it's like the 3 of us having a bonding time, instead of talking to myself with no response, right?
Tandem Nursing

9) Changes in stool for older child. I'd noticed that Jelly's stool apparently turned a little mushy/runny in late pregnancy as she consume some of the early colostrum created before baby arrived. But after googling it, it's nothing to worry for Jelly as well as the new baby will receive all the colostrum needed once she/he arrives.
Tandem Nursing

10) Once there was milk then it dried up, after a while it came back again!! The benefits of nursing a older child is you can check if they manage to suck out any milk... LOL! Jelly continue to nurse even after I got pregnant and I often check with her if there are any more milk because I tried hand express but nothing came out. I think my milk dried up when I was entering 14 weeks of pregnancy, then came back again around 32nd week with a yellowish colored and salty taste! Even my milk changes but it doesn't stop Jelly to stop nursing!
Tandem Nursing

In my opinion in tandem nursing (similar with breastfeeding or extended breastfeeding), that not everyone who is emotionally, physically and mentality prepared for it. DO NOT compare with others and I share this post is based on my experience alone and it might differ from others. I need to be mentally strong to continue tandem nursing as it is not an easy task while pregnant, and I do salute all mothers who can do it with their children. Can't wait to see what else to experience once baby arrived! (Fingers crossed)

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