
Wednesday 20 January 2016

My DIY Overnight Oats with simple Recipe

Recently I kept seeing friends posting their version of overnight oats and they got me drooling. Before trying overnight oats, I wasn't an oat lover... I dislike their blandness and their sticky-mud like texture. Then I do some research (of course asking Mr Google) and found out that Overnight Oats required rolled oats instead of quick oat or instant oat! Actually all are the same oats, just the thickness of the oats and the time used to cook the oats makes them being called with rolled, quick and instant. I had add one more variety which is steel cut oats.

The Differences 
(Copied from The Kitchn)
Steel cut oats 
Also referred to as Irish or Scottish oats, this variety is made when the whole groat is cut into several pieces, rather than rolled. Steel-cut oats look almost like rice that's been cut into pieces. This variety takes the longest to cook, and has a toothsome, chewy texture that retains much of its shape even after cooking.

Rolled oats 
Also called old-fashioned or whole oats, rolled oats look like flat, irregularly round, slightly textured discs. When processed, the whole grains of oats are first steamed to make them soft and pliable, then pressed to flatten them.
Rolled oats cook faster than steel-cut oats, absorb more liquid, and hold their shape relatively well during cooking. In addition to be heated for a warm breakfast bowl, rolled oats are commonly used in granola bars, cookies, muffins, and other baked goods.

Quick oats (My own opinion)
Quick Oats required some cooking to be done as it is slightly thicker than instant oat. This type of oats are commonly found in our local hypermarkets.

Instant oats
Also referred to as quick oats, instant oats are the most processed of the three oat varieties. They are pre-cooked, dried, and then rolled and pressed slightly thinner than rolled oats. They cook more quickly than steel-cut or rolled oats, but retain less of their texture, and often cook up mushy.

(My own opinion)
Malaysia's version of Instant oats are even thinner than quick oats and it just need boiling water, and no cooking is required. This type of oats are also commonly found in our local hypermarkets.

I am from Penang and I hardly noticed rolled oats from supermarket or hypermarket (because my eyes are not open wide enough to LOOK) The most common type is the quick oat and instant oat.
When I was shopping at Tesco, I found that there are a few brands selling rolled oats and they are quite pricey compared to the common quick and instant. I bought the cheapest one to tryout anyway. Now whenever I go grocery shopping, I will sure visit the Oat section (I won't do that last time) LOL!

Overnight Oat with Pineapple, Custard apple, Longan, Cashew nuts and Chocolate syrup

Overnight oats with Strawberries, Pamelo and Chocolate syrup
This is my overnight oat recipe foundation (1 person portion)
1 Cup Rolled Oats
1 Cup milk (I used milk powder)
1 Teaspoon chia seed
1 Tablespoon dried goji berries

1 cup of Rolled Oats

Add in 1 cup of Milk

Add in Goji Berries and Chia Seeds

After soaking overnight, this is how it looks like!
Put it in the fridge for the soaking process. Normally I will leave it overnight (that's why they are called "overnight" oats)
Next day, you can add in your choice of fruits, like apples, bananas, pineapples, passion fruit, papaya, pear, longan, lychee, cherry, oranges(and the list goes on)

I had mine with fruits and chocolate syrup! I won't need to add sugar as goji berries itself were sweet.
Optional suggestions to add sweetness are honey, raisins or Milo powder. Although Jelly has passed her 12mo mark, I still dare not let her taste honey, therefore I will limit the usage of honey in order I could share what I am eating with her. Read HERE why honey must not given to babies below 12 months old.

I loved the overnight oats using rolled oats because it won't have the sticky texture and it taste much better! I had tried making overnight oats using quick oats and it turned out to be sticky and mud like which I don't like. Will stick back on using rolled oats instead.
After eyeing for Rolled Oats every time I go shopping, I noticed that some large hypermarket eventually has this brand.
Mydin Bukit Tengah appears to have the cheapest price among Tesco and Aeon.
This is the brand of Rolled oats I bought. Photo taken from Pristine Oat Website.
Prestine Oat varieties

This product review is not sponsored and it is my own honest review.

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