
Wednesday 8 February 2017

Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta : 4 & 5 Feb 2017

We manage to wake up around 6.30am and carried a sleepy toddler to see the hot air balloon on 4th Feb 2017. It was at Padang Polo, opposite of General Hospital. We had fun snapping lots and lots of photos. Best part is that entrance fee is FREE and parking at their designated car park is also FREE! No wonder there are so packed! Other fees can be seen at the link below:

The balloons will be displayed from 7.30am - 9am in the mornings and, it will be up by 6pm in the evenings. The final session of balloons on display is at 8.45pm on both nights which is the 'Night Glow'. All balloon displays are subject to weather conditions, i.e. too windy, too hot and rain will hinder the balloons to be set up.
More Info about Hot Air Balloon Event, can read it more on the link below:

Below are our photos!

After going on 4th Feb 2017, my husband decided to go ogain on 5th evening together with my in laws! Evening event has more people than the morning session. I didn't take many photos as I need to catch Jelly as it was too pack.

Jelly trying to catch bubble blow by other kids

Jelly even got a free balloon!

Jelly and Grandpa

Me and my in laws picnicking at the Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2017
Overall it was super packed and it was fun! They have stalls selling food and souvenir but it was a little pricey. They also offer free car park at a school field, but they limit to one entry and one exit so we spend almost an hour waiting to exit the field.

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