Selecting a good baby's fabric detergent is also a decision we must make once entered parenthood. This is because baby has very sensitive skin. Not only limited to babies but toddlers and children also have sensitive and delicate skin. I've been given a chance to try out baby laundry detergent and softener from B&B. Why B&B? Answer is at their
website :
B&B also known as Baby & Basic is the most widely used brand among Korean moms for infant-related household products. B&B baby care products are free of harmful substances and made of natural ingredients only. Every product has an ‘AIEGE’ logo attached to it that promises to eliminate 30 potential harmful substances as proclaimed by European Bureau of Consumer Unions (BEUC) and USA’s environmental organisation EWC (Environmental Working Group).
In this post, I will review on the detergent and softener from B&B. I will use my toddler's shirt, in which both are the same material (t-shirt) and almost similar design. Their bottle are designed at 1500ml per bottle and has an handle for easy handling. Wordings are mostly in Korean and they have pasted a translated label which is in English.
B&B Product FRONT
Left (Pink bottle): Fabric Softener
Right (White bottle) : Fabric Detergent |