Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Disposable Diaper Review (Goo.N Friend Pants Doraemon Edition)


Introducing Goo.N Friend Doraemon Edition! I am sure most of us know about Doreamon which came from the future from a magic drawer to guide Nobita. It's kinda nostalgia to have our kids wearing one of our favorite childhood manga/anime character on their diaper right? By the way, LAZADA is an online website to purchase all your need including this cute GooN Friend Pants Diaper, Click below Link to see their best offer!

In this post, I will do a review on Goo.N's Friend Pants Doraemon Edition. Although I am not a fan of pants diaper but seems like Jelly didn't reject wearing this pants diaper so I think it was really comfortable for her to wear it. 

Their packaging is easy recognizable and attractive as they have cute Doreamon characters. It also stated Japan Quality and suitable for Day & Night.

Doraemon Diaper
Front Packaging

Back Packaging

Size indicator and other instructions

Instruction & Easy Changing
In my own opinion, since Jelly is already potty train to poo-poo, I don't like to tear the side of the diaper as the inner part will flip outward if not handled properly. I still prefer to remove like removing her pants. If toddler is active then it would be easier and faster to tear the side.

On the top of the package, you can easily open the packaging by tearing on the perforation 

Left: GooN Friend Pants Diaper (XL)
Right: Pet Pet Tape Diaper (XL)

Front View of the Diaper

Back View of the Diaper

Inside View of the Diaper

Comparing the thickness of Pet Pet tape (Top) & Goo.N Friend Pants (Bottom) 

Baby Wearing GOO.N Friend Pants experience
My toddler is currently 27 mo while trying on this diaper. She is now wearing XL size and her approximate weight is 15kg. She is not a fan of pants diaper due to past experience (not so comfortable due to her large backside and thigh). But after I tried tricking her to wear a cute Doreamon Pants, she actually didn't reject if I ask her to wear it again, means she feel comfortable wearing it!
Jelly wearing it front view
It looks tight at the groin area but it is actually soft and stretchable

Jelly wearing it back view
It is sufficient to cover her back side and the sides are smooth
It is also soft so it doesn't create much friction while she run

Semi transparent (breathable) soft and light material, very stretchable, but it is leak proof.

After Jelly wearing for 4 hours and it hardly have pressure marks on her lower belly.

Review Summary: 
Absorption: Good, leaving baby with almost dry skin after wee wee
Texture/Feeling: Softer texture compared to PetPet, and it is lighter and thinner and it's stretchable material is very comfortable while wearing.
Price: Normal Retail Selling Price is XL42 for RM35.90 (RM0.85/pc). View Lazada for more offers.
Leakage: Very less as it absorb quickly even with baby moving around, also it has leak guards.
Source: General Hypermarket and Lazada
Notes to add: Jelly doesn't develop nappy rash from wearing it during daytime, and I have not tried her using it at night, as it was already half full when she wears it for 4 hours, so I dare not take the risk to let her wear overnight.

A Dry Baby is a Happy Baby!

My other diaper Reviews: